Our aim is to provide you and your family with a endeared and friendly enviroment. Contact Us Supported Employment Supported Employment in Greece legislation The legislation currently in force Euse The European Union of Supported Employment(EUSE) Contact Us Hellenic Union of Supported Employment - El.Et.Yp.E. Our Services Hellenic Union of Supported Employment El. Et.Yp.E. Our Services Hellenic Union of Supported Employment Caption Text4 Objectives of EL.ET.YP.E. who have achieved to date 0 Meetings with employers 0 Counseling 0 Successes 0 Satisfied EL.ET.YP.E. Services Training for parents and professionals Training for parents and professionals in terms of supported employment and life. Cooperation with Organizations- Businesses Cooperation with Organizations- Businesses for the development of research and / or educational programs in order to disseminate and consolidate supported employment. Editing and publishing printed matter. Editing and publishing printed matter with the view of promoting and using other media to disseminate the institution. Promotion of ECO and disabled people to the labor market. Promotion of ECO and the disabled in the free labor market through the creation of job placement services. Development and implementation of specialized programs. Development and implementation of specialized programs through our cooperation with private and state institutions. Communication with state and private bodies. Communication with state and private bodies for the development of social policy for the disabled people. Professionals and actors said to usAlternative work proposition for people with special needs needs through psycho-educational and social support.